Street and Alley

Supervisor:  Clint Conrad

What we do

The Street and Alley division has seven full-time employees to maintain improvements within the rights-of-way of Highland. Various duties include street sweeping, snow plowing, sidewalk repair and replacement, pavement patching, tree pruning and removal, storm sewer maintenance, mosquito abatement, grass and weed control of right-of-way, and maintenance of approximately 66 miles of streets and alleys.

All streets and alleys within the City limits are maintained by the Street and Alley Department. The department’s largest annual project is the street sealing program, where crews seal the oil-and-chip streets on a rotating basis. Street sweeping is provided by the department Monday through Fridays. The sweeper is forced to bypass any areas with cars parked along the curb. Street signs are maintained and replaced on an as needed basis. If you see a street sign missing or damaged, please call the Department of Public Works at 618-654-6823.

Storm  Sewers
Sewers may become momentarily overwhelmed and may not take water immediately during substantial rainfall in a short period. When the storm weakens the sewer is still not draining at all, please call the Department of Public Works at 618-654-6823.

Plowing, as a part of the snow removal plan, goes into effect after accumulation of one inch of snow or at the Police Department’s recommendation based on roadway conditions. Residents and plowing services should not stack know around fire hydrants or on the sidewalks. Please help us keep fire hydrants visible for the Fire department

The department also maintains the public right of way within the city limits. Crews are responsible to keep grass mowed and weeds cut along the roadway to a level that does not interfere with driver’s line of sight.

Mosquito Abatement
Spring for mosquitos is done during the spring and summer months in the evenings/ The City uses two methods of abatement, adulticiding and larviciding. Larviciding is the most effective treatment and begins in April when overnight temperature stay above 60 degrees. Briquettes and granules are used in areas holding water to treat mosquitos in their larvae stage. Aulticiding operations begin in May and continue until the evening temperatures go below 60 degrees. This is the “fogging” method most people are familiar with seeing.

Chances of being infected by the West Nile Virus can be reduced by following a few simple rules:
  • Apply insect repellent to exposed skin when you go outdoors. The most effective repellents contain DEET.
  • Use care in applying repellent to children; do not put repellent on their hands, and be careful to avoid their mouth and eyes. Products containing 10% or less DEET are the most appropriate for children aged 2-12 years.
  • Whenever possible, wear protective clothing such as long sleeves, long pants, and socks while outdoors.
  • Spray clothing with repellents containing DEET or permethrin, because mosquitos may bite through thin clothing.
  • Consider staying indoors between dusk and dawn which is peak mosquito biting time.
  • Avoid activities in area where mosquitos are plentiful.
  • Fix or install window and door screens to keep mosquitos out of buildings.
  • Mosquitos lay their eggs in standing water. To avoid helping mosquitos breed in your environment, drain standing water

Avoid Breeding Mosquitos by routinely emptying water from:
  • Flower pots
  • Pet bowls
  • Clogged rain gutters
  • Swimming pool covers
  • Discarded tires
  • Buckets, barrels, and cans
  • Any other items that collect water in which mosquitoes can lay eggs.

Clint Conrad
12263 Highland Road
P.O. Box 218
Highland, IL 62249-0218
Office: 618-654-6823