Deceptive Solicitation

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We have recently been made aware of a solicitation request from an entity identifying themselves as the National Police Association, which gives the impression that the Highland City Council is involved in requesting signatures for a petition to return “Quality of Life Policing” to the City of Highland.  This solicitation also requests donations be made to the National Police Association to ensure this style of policing is funded and continues to reduce crime. 

The Highland City Council and the Highland Police Department are not affiliated with the National Police Association.  Members of the Highland Police Department spotlight quality-of-life policing. As the Chief of Police, I aim to ensure community policing remains at the forefront of our enforcement.

If you receive this solicitation, please throw it away.  If you are ever called by anyone identifying themselves as law enforcement who asks for money, please terminate the call.  Members of the Highland Police Department will not call asking for money.  Remember to research any organization before donating in any form. 

Please call the Highland Police Department at 618-654-2131 ext. 1 if you have any questions or concerns. 



Chief Carole Widman