Special Event Requests


Special Events are typically approved by the City Council.  To have a Special Event approved, please complete the "Special Event Application" (link provided to the left).    If your event includes a run/walk/race, please select from one of the pre-approved race routes (link provided to the left).    Completed applications may be scanned and returned to the Deputy Clerk at:   lhediger@highlandil.gov  or turned in at City Hall.    Once received, the application will be reviewed by staff and forwarded to the City Council for approval.  You will be contacted to coordinate your attendance at a meeting of the City Council.    

A Special Event is any event, race, gathering, demonstration, or service; which occurs partially or completely within the jurisdiction of the city, and is expected to draw crowds in excess of 150 attendees, and/or which is expected to or could disrupt normal daily functions within the city including but not limited to traffic congestion and excess noise, or, which could create a public health/safety concern without proper precautions or prior planning.   Activities protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or by any of Sections 3, 4, and 5 of Article I of the Constitution of 1970 of the State of Illinois -- including assemblages organized to consult for the common good, petition the government, exercise worship or religion, or demonstrate as a public display of sentiment for or against a person or cause for the purposes of speechmaking or address -- do not fall within the definition of a "special event."  (Please see the City Code regarding  Special Events [link provided to the left].)

To request to have signs placed within certain areas of right-of-way,  please complete the request form (link provided to the left) and returned to the Director of Community Development Mallord Hubbard at:   mhubbard@highlandil.gov   or, by dropping it off at City Hall.